Increase Your Immunity With Pranayama

Boost your immunity with possibly the best weapon known to mankind. The ancient art of Pranayama. This course is a 7-day online course teaching the Kumbaka Pranayama. Pranayama is all about controlling your breathing and exercising different breathing techniques. While this might sound easy, the truth is far from it. Sanjay Choudhary’s Pranayama techniques are taken from the ancient Indian book – the Hathapradipika.
Benefits of the program:
- Enhanced immunity
- Enhanced cognitive performance
- Improved sleep quality
- Increased mindfullness
- Regulate blood pressure
- Increased Emotional Stability
- Reduced Stress

Sanjay Kumar Choudhary is a Certified Yoga Teacher by the Ayush Ministry of the Government Of India. He has been graded highly by the Quality Council of India QCI Level – II.
Sanjay has taught yoga actively for more than 10 years. For the past 3 -4 years he has been teaching across Thailand and Indonesia, even leading yoga initiatives of the Government of India, like the International Day of Yoga in Bangkok, Bali and Makassar (Indonesia).
Sanjay has a Master’s degree in Yoga and has dedicated his life to his craft. He enjoys inspiring others to improve their state of wellbeing and commit to long term health and fitness goals. His two mantras are – “Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah” – Non-Violent way of life, and ” Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” – The whole world is a great big family.
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