Moringa Olifera Seed Oil
Rp 1.035.000
Availability: 3 in stock
- Lowers Cholesterol: Some studies have shown that the leaves help decrease cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaque formation. Which can also prevent cardiovascular diseases.
- Treats Stomach Complaints: Moringa Leaf’s antibiotic and antibacterial properties may help inhibit the growth of various pathogens, and its high vitamin B content helps with digestion.
- Reduces High-Blood Pressure: Contains isothiocyanate and niaziminin, compounds that help to stop arteries from thickening, which can cause blood pressure to rise.
- Reduces inflammation: The isothiocyanates found in the leaves helps to reduce inflammatory markers in the body.
8 1/2 times the Protein of Yogurt
15 times the Potassium of Bananas
10 1/2 times the Vitamin A of Carrots
12 times the Iron of Spinach
16 1/2 times the Calcium of Milk
- If you take medication regularly, consult your doctor before taking moringa supplements.
- People who take blood-thinning drugs should avoid large doses of moringa leaves
- Pregnant mothers should not consume.